Safeguarding children at Portswood Primary School is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play. The welfare of a child will always be our school's main concern.
Concerns may range from:
- Children being visibly upset.
- Persistent Lateness/Non-Attendance.
- Children ‘disclosing’ concerns.
- Signs of neglect or abuse.
Further information about abuse and neglect can be found on the NSPCC website:
If you are at all concerned about a child’s welfare, contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Ian Howie, or one of the deputies:
Mr Howie | Mr Head | Mr Leonard | Mrs Adams |
If you wish to contact the DSL by email, please send concerns to:
If you wish to share a concern directly with the local authority, the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) can be contacted on: 02380 833336
Or write to:
MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub)
Civic Centre
SO14 7LU
Out of hours: 023 8023 3344
You may also contact MASH by email: You must state if you wish to remain anonymous at the start of your message, but professionals cannot remain anonymous.
If you are not a professional involved with the child or family, you do not have to give your name and your conversation will be treated confidentially.
You can report a child protection concern on the Southampton Safeguarding referral form
Further information about Southampton’s safeguarding procedures can be found on Southampton’s website: Accessing Children's Social Care
Or in an emergency contact the police by telephone on 999
NSPCC Freephone Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000
What should I do if I am worried about a child?
It can sometimes be difficult to know what to do for the best. If you find out a child is being harmed, you may be thinking that perhaps the child is really alright. You don’t want to provoke someone and make matters worse for the child. Perhaps you’re concerned the family might be broken up and the children put in care (although this actually rarely happens). You may think the problem will resolve itself. And you may not know where to go for help. It may seem the easiest thing to do is to do nothing. But please don’t. Trust your own judgment. It is important that you act.
If you are worried that a child or young person is at risk of abuse or neglect, please contact Children and Families’ Social Care straight away using the contact details above.
If you have a query regarding a child’s wellbeing or would like further advice about appropriate action that could be taken, please contact one of the DSL team.